This API lets you patch any indices on NSUNS4.exe without modifying the executable itself. The API also includes a way to add partners to your characters, just like how Kiba and Akamaru work in the normal game. You can add special hardcoded conditions to your characters, like Guy's air dash, Minato's teleport awakening action, Kaguya's prm upgrade, and many others. Thanks to the character limit expander, you will never have to replace a prm for another one anymore.

Adding new characters without replacing vanilla ones: The plugin system can be used to create custom code for the game, whether it is a modification of the original source or even brand new code. They can be loaded with the top priority to overwrite any kind of game files. The modding API can load custom made cpk files without replacing any of the base ones. Current Features: Loading brand new cpk files with customizable priorities.

This API for Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 expands the possibilities of modding, allowing developers to create better and bigger mods. It's well worth checking out.Naruto: Storm 4 - Modding API by Zealot Tormunds It looks great, featured over a hundred characters, and made meaningful refinements to the combat. If you've been a fan of the Naruto Storm series of games from the start, then you'll be glad to know that Naruto: Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 is a great last entry that did an admirable job at closing out the Shippuden saga. One thing that stood out from the experience was the poor AI design, which made the fights rather shallow and predictable.

The other is a DLC called Road to Boruto, which basically serves as a primer to prepare you for the next chapter in the Naruto saga. You have two game modes, with the first being your standard Story Mode that picks up where Storm 3 Final Burst left off. Combat has also been overhauled, bringing the return of wall-running, the ability to freely swap members mid-battle, and a new armor and weapon break system in free and boss battles. The Storm series has made a name for itself for its over-the-top art style, and with Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4, you can play any of the 106 playable characters from the Naruto universe. Each entry takes on memorable arcs and battles, and Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 serves as the finale to cap off the whole story. It features an endearing story paired with equally impressive fight scenes, hence it's no wonder that it received game adaptations like the Storm series. Naruto and Naruto Shippuden stands as one of the greatest manga and anime series ever.